Monday 13 April 2015

A Monumental Bridge

One of the most anticipated aspects of my trip was crossing the Viaduc de Millau, I have wanted to do the crossing for so long that when the idea of this road trip was first raised it was at the top of my list and all the planning had to include Millau.

I'm sure you will agree it is truly impressive and it is a tremendous feat of engineering and innovation. 

The first of today's pictures isn't the clearest image because of the rain on the lens but it is the image I wanted as it captures the reflection of the bridge on the roof of my car.

Pictures two and three were taken from a vantage point in the small troglodyte village of Peyre in the Tarn Valley.  In the coming weeks no doubt I will share some pictures of the village itself but for today the focus is on the bridge.

The final three images were taken as the light faded.  I think I need more practice at night photography but I think these are decent images all the same and show how stunning the bridge is.

If you have a favourite from today's pictures leave a comment below... 

1 comment:

  1. An amazing feat of engineering, photos aren't bad either.
