Tuesday 7 April 2015

Monte Carlo or bust!

The next stop on my road trip was Monaco.  After a fantastic drive along a winding coast road and through tunnels (with my sat nav registering 643mph at one point) the view of Monaco gave me a real buzz. 

The second picture shows off some of the classical architecture in Place du Palais in the old part of Monaco near the Princes' palace...

In the third picture you can see that preparations for the Formula 1 Grand Prix are already well under way with the pit garage structure almost complete and the stands along the swimming pool section going up. The next picture is the kerb for the  Fairmont hair pin, the slowest corner on the circuit.  After we had walked around the course I drove round the hairpin and the casino square before heading off to our next stopover...

In the harbour there were numerous boats (I really mean yachts (I really really mean super yachts!)).  You might expect the people who can afford such things to give them tasteful names but as you can see from the fifth picture that is not necessarily the case. 

I took the final picture because it just seemed that you would possibly never see a hoarding like this in any other place but Monaco...

Anyway that is all for today hope you have enjoyed todays pictures.

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