Friday 17 April 2015

Around Town

More from Amsterdam today...

The city is known for many things, one them being the number of bicycles. Just outside of Amsterdam's Central train station there is this massive multi-storey cycle park and just outside that there are thousands of other cycles crammed into a small space.  If you have ever had trouble finding your car in a car park imagine how easy it would be to lose your bike amongst this lot!

With the arrival of spring the city is becoming more colourful as the window boxes and planters on the bridges come to life.  I like the third of today's pictures because it feels fresh and is full of colour.

Many of the bridges have names and I thought the fourth picture was interesting as an example of this.  Seeing this now reminds me of something which happened in Venice. As my son and I were walking across one of the many small canals a couple passed us, the woman said to her partner "I wonder what this bridge is called" to which he testily replied "It's the bridge of wherever the hell we are!!!" We laughed about that and I guess if they had been in Amsterdam they would have always known where they were.

The final picture shows one of the canals at night, with house boats lining each bank and a team of rowers out for some evening exercise, something that I guess you won't see very often.

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