Sunday 12 April 2015


Today's pictures are from Barcelona where we stopped for 3 nights on our trip around Europe. I had said that I was a little disappointed with the city but as I have looked through the photos I took I think I made a misjudgement. 

On the first evening we went and sat by the marina for some time in the sun and watching people walking along the promenade. There were some fantastic yachts in the harbour but I was especially taken with the reflections of the masts in the rippling water.  I am really happy with the pictures above and I hope you like them too.

The final picture was taken from a jetty looking back towards what I think was the old olympic village, as the sun was setting it gave a lovely warm glow to the buildings and the mountains on the horizon. It was nice to join the other people enjoying such a beautiful end to the day.

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