Tuesday 14 April 2015

The City of Lights

The final stop on the road trip was Paris.  I have been to Paris quite often and it is one of my favourite places to visit and I have lots of photos so didn't expect to take any pictures this time, however walking along the banks of the Seine I saw the statue in the first photo with the chair on its head and I thought it quirky and fun so couldn't resist taking the shot.

After that I took several other pictures.

The locks are just a few of the many thousands on one of the bridges, the main span of the bridge has been boarded up so that no more locks can be added and now they have been put on the side railings and fences in other spots overlooking the river. "Love locks" have been a feature in several of the cities we have visited on this trip but none so many as in Paris.  Although I like this feature in Paris I think I prefer the picture I took on the bridge in Heidelberg which I shared on 18th March so why not revisit that blog and compare...

The lamp post was in the square in front of Notre Dame and I thought it was an interesting detail.

Finally, I almost decided not to post the last two images but the Eiffel Tower is such an iconic site it seemed wrong not to and I think that with the illumination and the detail of the structure they make for nice pictures.

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