Sunday 26 April 2015

Classical Florence

Florence is a really beautiful city with some classical architecture and today's pictures show some of the more recognisable sites.  Over the next few days I think I will post some shots of less well known spots and some images of the city at night, but for today you have il Duomo and Ponte Vecchio.  I think today  the fourth picture is my favourite as I like the narrow streets and the glimpse of the dome is quite special.

The Ponte Vecchio seemed to draw lots of visitors to the gold merchants and jewellers and it really is worth visiting.  My son and I re-enacted a scene from Assassin's Creed with me throwing a stone at him, and striking him on the face to enhance the experience.

Did you know that there is a "hidden" tunnel along the top of the bridge? It allowed the Medici access from one side of the river to the other without having to encounter the people of the city.  Originally the shops on the bridge housed butchers and other groceries but the Duke of Medici didn't like the smell so had them all evicted and insisted that the gold merchants move in and that is who is there today.


  1. Wow Florence is different to how I had imagined, it looks like a massive place! I like the third picture best, the sheer magnitude of that duomo place is captured so well against the rest of the city! Looking forward to seeing more pictures and reading more :)
