Sunday 19 April 2015

Modernista Architecture

So if you have scrolled down this far you will have noticed that today I have posted more pictures than ever before. 

All of the pictures are from Barcelona, the first six are in Park Guell which was designed by Antoni Gaudi, pictures 5 and 6 are in fact the Gaudi museum within the park itself and was originally the home of the architect.  The house in the first picture was the only other house built in what should have been a housing development for around 60 properties

The last four shots are from the streets of Barcelona showing some of the fine architecture, bright colours, balconies and street lamps (which I believe were also designed by Gaudi).  It really is a beautiful city with lots to see and do..


  1. Very nice, I only visited Barcelona once, and without a camera. Beautiful pictures.

  2. It really is a nice city, I am sure there is more to see than I got to see too.
