Monday 6 April 2015

From Florence

If you have been a follower of my photo-blogging efforts you will have noticed an absence of posts over the past two weeks.  This was due to the fact that my phone broke while on holiday and I had been relying on that to do my posts.  It is good to be able to get back to blogging and sharing some of the pictures I took while away.

Today I am starting with a few shots from Florence which was the next stop after Venice on my European road trip...

You may well have expected a few pictures of il Duomo or Ponte Vecchio and of course I have taken plenty of pictures of those and other landmarks however I thought the pictures above give a flavour of Florentine style and colour.

I thought the sign for the pharmacy was worth sharing because it is so classy and stylish and not something you would normally expect to see.

The lavender is of a variety not normally seen in the UK and again I really liked the colour.

The last two pictures are of the garden and entrance to the hotel I stayed in (The Monna Lisa) which was a former renaissance palace with a long history which was reflected in every part of the hotel. (Do check out the link to see more pictures of the hotel and read something of it's history)

I have had a fantastic time away although it is good to be back home and in contact with everyone once again.  I look forward to sharing more of the pictures and stories of the trip with you, the paintings on the ceiling and the stone floor in the last picture are all original dating back to the 16th century.

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