Tuesday 28 April 2015

Around Florence

So today will be the last from Florence for now, I have picked a couple of shots of the surrounding area to show how beautiful the countryside overlooking the city is.  I like the colours of the buildings and the tree lined slopes.

The other pictures are of the buildings around the Piazza della Santissima Annunziata in the heart of the old city. 

The courtyard in pictures 5 and 7 was inside La S.S. Annunziata di Firenze and was a real treasure. From the outside there was no indication of the beauty within.

In the far corner of the courtyard there was a small dark corridor and the 6th picture is of the ceiling. It was actually so dark inside that it wasn't possible to see any detail of the painting, thankfully my camera was able to pick it out, even handheld and without flash I was able to capture a really sharp image.

Looking at these pictures and others from my short stay I realise that there was so much more to see and of all the places I got to visit during my trip Florence is top of my list for places I would return to. I need to spend much more time exploring the city with its narrow streets, hidden courtyards, palaces, squares and gardens.  

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