Wednesday 14 January 2015

All The Small Things #4 Pedro

Meet Pedro...

Just over four years ago when my daughter set off on her university adventure she we decided that no student house was complete without a cactus so we bought her a small unobtrusive cactus in a tiny pot.  She fell in love with it immediately and named it Pedro after the character in the movie Napoleon Dynamite

It traveled home with her at the end of term in the cup holder in my car and then  traveled back in the same fashion.  Only for the first year though, after that Pedro stayed behind on the kitchen widow sill.  He is still thriving and I thought the perfect subject for an up close and personal photo shoot.  


  1. Something of a prickly personallity, wouldn't you say? Nice close ups.

    1. Yes, they're very small but those prickles do hurt.

