Thursday 8 January 2015

Creeping things

Both of these pictures were taken while out with my youngest son, the lizard was in the Forest of Dean and the beetle I think was on Bickerton Hill in Cheshire.

As I was selecting today's pictures my son recalled the occasion when I was taking the photo of the lizard.  It was on a post at the side of a footpath towards Symonds Yat Rock, it was a hot day and the little critter was basking in the sun.  As we were watching it sitting there the peace was shattered by the loud voice of a large man who emerged from the bushes close by swearing and cursing at the top of his voice.  The language was very colourful and we couldn't work out who or what he was angry at.  Thankfully he marched off and left us in peace.

I like the colours of the lizard and I also love the shimmering blue of the beetle.  These images remind me that there is lots of beauty to be seen we just have to keep our eyes open.

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