Sunday 25 January 2015


Today's pictures follow on from the shots of the Robin I posted yesterday.  This squirrel was just as cheeky and inquisitive as the Robin was but seemed perfectly at home in the walled garden at Royden Park.  

I think in the first picture it looks as though the squirrel is doing the actions to the song "The Wheels on the Bus".  The second picture is a crop from the last of today's pictures, I chose to post that to give you a closer look at his cheeky face.

I hope you like the pictures, please feel free to leave a comment.  

For those who have tried to post comments in the past without success I think I have solved the issue which meant comments disappeared so from now on I should be able to see what you think.

1 comment:

  1. Such lovely pictures! And I can envisage this little squirrel exactly at that point singing 'round and round'!! Hilarious!!
