Saturday 3 January 2015

Hilbre Island Dawn

Today's shots are the last in the series of early morning at West Kirby Marine Lake.  There are two shots of Hilbre Island too which is a real treasure.  On this particular morning it was really cold but there were a few small groups of walkers heading out there.  

I love the ripple effect of the sand in pictures 2 and 3 and I think the rock in the 3rd picture adds a little extra interest to the overall shot.

I had hoped to get out with my camera today but sadly it was raining and overcast pretty much all day, the sun eventually broke through about forty minutes before sunset so it was too late to get out.

Anyway I hope you enjoy today's pictures, feel free to leave a comment.


  1. Very nice. A star filter on the second picture would add a little extra zing, but a good shot even so.

  2. I don't have a star filter, just a couple of polarisers and ND grads
