Wednesday 7 January 2015

Cinq Mille

Today I passed 5000 page views on my blog (not just today of course that's over the months since I started) and so I was really thrilled.  Then I heard the awful news about the events in Paris and I felt sick.  Paris is one of the most beautiful cities anywhere and one of my favourite places so I decided to post a couple of pictures from Paris in happy times. These are mobile phone pictures so not the greatest quality but pretty decent nonetheless.

As you know I also like to link music to my blog sometimes and today as I was discussing the events of the day with my eldest son the song Freewill was playing on my music player and I thought that it was quite a fitting tune so follow the link if you are that way inclined.

1 comment:

  1. Paris is one of my favourite cities also, some very happy memories.
