Wednesday 24 December 2014


It's Christmas Eve (Yay :) ) and I don't really expect too many people to be sat at their computers or checking their smartphones to look at this blog, not when there's presents to wrap and mince pies to put out for Santa but I determined to post something every day and so here is today's offering.  

All of the above images are of the village of Blanchland a conservation village in the Derwent Valley in Northumberland,  as you can see it was a cold, wet and grey day and the monochrome images set the atmosphere really well.

The first two pictures show the White Monk Tea Rooms which is a nice place to get  spot of lunch or afternoon tea.

Anyway enjoy the pictures and more importantly have a fab Christmas.  Look out tomorrow for what I hope will be a festive post... and look out on Boxing Day for a special announcement!!!


  1. I have always liked black and white photographs, and some subjects seem to benefit from this medium instead of colour. This set of pictures seems to bear that out. Very nice.

    1. Thanks Phil, I think that I may concentrate on B&W images more in the future, not exclusively though. In the pre digital age I used b&w almost all the time as I processed a lot of my own pictures in my DIY darkroom. I think architecture really lends itself to the medium and I think finding the right angle can turn even a fairly standard subject into something special.
