Tuesday 30 December 2014

Mini Landscapes

Three more pictures today from my early morning walk around the marine lake.  At first glance the rocks in these pools were fairly dull and uninteresting but as I took a few paces along the sand and looked back I noticed how the morning sun had turned the rocks to a beautiful warm golden colour and the reflections in the still pools gave a sense of a big landscape in miniature.  Getting low down to get the right angle and they take on a new dimension.  My favourite image here is the second one. Leave a comment to let me know what you think.

Also remember to share the facebook link and/or retweet to enter the draw.  Today is the last chance as I will be drawing the winner tomorrow and announcing who it is in tomorrow's post.  It could be you!


  1. I too like the second picture, although the third is also very nice, I like the vivid colours of the third picture.

    1. Thanks, the colours were amazing given that from the other side the rocks were dull and silty grey. If I had taken the shots from a slightly different angle the colours would've been different again due to the angle of the sun.
