Thursday 11 December 2014

Time Please!

So today is the last of my selections from my docklands walk last Saturday.  

I have been curious about the building in the first two pictures for a very long time.  I have imagined it as a military bunker or somewhere that a Bond villain might feel at home.  OK that's a bit weird maybe but can you guess what its real purpose is?  While you are thinking about that I will tell you about the clock in the last two pictures. (I'm not going to say much about the building in the third picture, it was a dockside warehouse and I liked the scalloped roof but other than that what's to be said).

The clock is the Victoria Tower built at the entrance to the Salisbury Dock between 1847 and 1848.  From this angle you can see the streets of Wallasey on the opposite bank of the Mersey.  The tower has eight sides with a clock on each face and is known as the dockers clock.  It is positioned so that seamen could set their watches as they leave port and head out into the Irish Sea.  Although it is now in a state of disrepair it is due to become part of the Liverpool Waters regeneration programme.

So what of the building in the first pictures, have you any ideas...? 

It was built between 1954 and 1957 and is the Tate & Lyle Sugar Silo.  It is worth a look at the link for some more photos of the building under construction.  Although from the outside it looks quite run down the building is still in use today

1 comment:

  1. Nice photos again, I am glad the clock is going to be repaired, it would be a shame to tear it down.
