Monday 29 December 2014

Marine Birds

I was really disappointed yesterday morning because although there was great early morning light and mist rising off the fields I wasn't able to get out with my camera and today there was no frost and no mist so I thought the photo opportunities would be more limited. However there was a beautiful sunrise and it was a cold and crisp morning and definitely worth getting outside for an hour or two.  I joined the early morning joggers and dog walkers around the marine lake and took a number of pictures which I am more than happy with.

For today I have chosen a few pictures of some of the birds that I saw.  The first I think is a Knot, which had been feeding in the shallow edges of the lake I had tried to get a picture with it reflected in the water but as I approached it took flight,in this picture you can see the water droplets falling from its feet and I like the way the primary feathers are highlighted by the morning sun.

The second picture is of a Cormorant which was fishing in the lake, just moments after taking this shot the bird dived beneath the surface, it reappeared some distance away making a second shot impossible.

The final picture is of a gull that had been resting on the path around the lake but had been disturbed by a dog.  I like the silhouette of the bird above the Flintshire hills in the distance.

Remember to share the Facebook link and retweet on Twitter for a chance to win a mounted print in the draw on New Year's Eve.

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