Wednesday 17 December 2014

Llyn Gwynant Morning

Here are three more pictures from my trip to Llyn Gwynant in Snowdonia. We got up really early to get these shots and walked further round the shore than on the previous evening. There was a bit of a breeze and the low cloud blew slowly through the valley helping to create these dramatic images.  

I really love being in the mountains and to be out at a time when most people are sleeping to watch the sun rise and see the changing colours on the hillsides.  I often look at pictures of far off places I would love to visit but these photos remind me that we have so many beautiful places so close to home and I am grateful to have the opportunity to get out and see them and of course to photograph them to share with you...

1 comment:

  1. Very nice, again! I really like the first photo, the colours are great and everything feels clean.
