Friday 5 December 2014

Dog in a pram!!!

The pictures above show some of the beautiful architecture and picturesque waterways of the lovely Belgian city of Bruges.  As well as the classical buildings, chocolate and lace the city has a quirky side too as can be seen from the buskers and the bicycle in my earlier blog "Two From Bruges" which I posted in September.

The title of today's blog however refers to the unusual sight of the dog in the photo to the left and although I wanted to focus on the pictures of the city I couldn't resist sharing this one too.

This was a candid shot taken in Bruges in July 2014.  I was sat with my kids in the courtyard of the Belfort in the city centre, we were having a short break when a family sat down next to us.  We couldn't believe our eyes when we saw a dog and not a baby or toddler sitting in the buggy.  The look on the dogs face makes me smile and the phrase "Dog in a pram!" is guaranteed to raise a laugh at home.

This wasn't the only unusual site to greet us on our day out either.  The picture below is of a painting on display in the Sint-Salvatorskathedral.  I was a bit taken aback by the scene depicted especially as it was in such a grand church.  Mind you judging from the range of chocolates on display in many of the shops I would say the locals are less inhibited than your average Brit...

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