Monday 8 December 2014

Get A Grip

Yesterday's mountains of scrap metal were impressive but they don't move without the use of some equally impressive equipment and the pictures above show some of the machinery that has been used to load the scrap onto ships.  The crane looks like it has seen better days to be honest and gives off an aura of decay and abandonment.  This is enhanced by the black and white treatment.

I particularly like the angle of the second image and the way the arm of the crane feels like it is reaching out towards the edge of the frame. Getting this shot right was quite tricky as I was shooting through the security fence and with the width of the lens it was quite restricted but I think I managed it ok.

I also like the third image of the grab resting on the dockside, on the one hand it seems quite menacing but the fact that it is unattached and abandoned mike it seem slightly redundant. I think the exposure of the sky adds a bit of drama to the shot.  Let me know what you think...

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, lots of atmosphere. Clearly the salt air is taking its' toll on the equipmemt. The amputated claw is not as menacing as it is when attached to the arm, nice perspective on the second picture, but the same feeling; the arm minus the claw is less threatening.
