Wednesday 31 December 2014

Fun in the Snow

So here we are, it's New Year's Eve and my last post of 2014.  We rarely get snow here and so there are limited opportunities for decent snow pics.  I went out today in the hope of getting some good shots but the light was poor and so I didn't get as much as I had hoped.

When I got my first  DSLR I took a similar picture to the ones above with my eldest son at more or less the same location, Llyn Brenig in Conwy, North Wales. Today both boys were kicking at massive snowballs and I love the effect as the ball explodes.  I particularly like the second image because the angle shows the snow flying towards the camera in an arch.

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to view my blog over the past few months and I hope that you will continue to come back as I post more in 2015.  

I have now done the draw for the print that I have been promoting since Boxing Day.  Thank you to all those who shared and retweeted, I am sorry there can only be one winner (who I will notify directly so that we can arrange delivery etc).   For those who took part but weren't lucky don't worry I will be doing this again around Easter when I expect to reach my 200th post.

Please keep liking and sharing and feel free to leave comments either here or on the facebook page.

1 comment:

  1. The second photo is particularly dramatic, well done.
