Saturday 6 December 2014

Looking for Captain America

So what does the title of this blog mean?  Marvel fans might have worked it out from the pictures but it's likely that most of you will have been a little puzzled.

The images above are of the Stanley Dock Tobacco Warehouse on Liverpool's Regent Road and of the lifting bridge which allowed shipping access to the dock.  It really is worth looking at the link to the Liverpool World Heritage website to find out more about the warehouse and its past.

The link to Captain America is nothing to do with the  tobacco trade though, in fact it is much more recent than that.  In the 2011 movie Captain America; The First Avenger an early scene is filmed here at Stanley Dock.  Just after his transformation Steve Rogers chases a Hydra agent along the colonnades before the agent escapes in a submarine.  The car chase is along Regent Road which can be seen in pictures 1 and 5 and the submarine was in the dock.  


  1. Nice pictures, I love all the angles and the somewhat bleak atmosphere enhanced by the black and white images.

    1. Thanks. Bleak is right. These were once thriving, bustling docks but now sadly in real decline. More pictures over the next few days...
