Monday 15 December 2014

More from Hilbre Island

As promised yesterday I have picked a few colour images from my trip to Hilbre Island last summer.  The first and last pictures are of the RNLI  Mersey Class Lifeboat Lady of Hilbre which is based at Hoylake.  They were out on an exercise in the Dee Estuary and passed close by the end of the island.  The conditions were perfect for messing about on a boat, far better than most of the time when these guys get called out for real.   I have such respect for the commitment of the RNLI who are all volunteers and funded by donations.

The other three images show different rock formations  showing the different layers of rock which make up Hilbre and the other islands in the group.

The third picture is of Middle Eye the second largest of the islands with Wirral and North Wales coast in the background, this was shortly before the tide came in and you can see people are walking towards the shore to get back before getting cut off.  It was several hours later before I left the island.  Looking at these pictures I am thinking about another trip out there, but maybe when the weather warms up a little.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful day. If those layers of rock could talk, what stories would they tell of our ever changing world? Huge respect to the RNLI because they are often called upon to risk their lives because someone did something stupid. Nice photos.
